This is already getting old
Ok, so I have already resorted to the "I have a lot of work to do" post. But really. that is all that is going on with me.
Have a Happy New Year, you all. I won't post again for a few days, I imagine.
This is what it looks like from the other direction.
12/28/06 - Witch Hazel
lichen 12-27-06
Inspired by photojojo's a photo a day post, I am going to try this. I tend to have a "follow through" problem with these sorts of things, but I think I would like to see the evolution of what interests me over a year.
I am still pretty shook up over the death of my cat, and was appalled to find out I only have 24 pictures of him, and those are too small to print. I was only thinking of keeping them "polite" for on-line viewing, I never realized how important it would suddenly be to have a small physical representation of him.
I took a ton more photos than that of course, I just didn't bother to save the ones I didn't think were good. I didn't know they all were good.
It makes me all the more sad that I forgot to take my camera over to my sister's house for Christmas this year. I don't have very many pictures of my mother, either.
Thank you, Jake.
He came to us as a two-year old stray, who had been what they call an "intact male" for those first two years. He never did get over being a territorial tom.
Four years ago, he tangled with a car, and 36 hours later somehow made it home. His jaw and cheekbone were broken, he had broken ribs, and lost an eye. We patched him back together, and through it all he was the most loving, happy, purr-filled cat you have ever met.
Nothing got Jake down. He was one of those perpetually happy, hapless beings, tripping his way through life and into emergency rooms.
Scott and i joked that he cost more than caviar. The last time we figured it out it was well over $400 per pound. And that was before the last surgery .
Finally all the scrapping caught up with him, and he was infected with FIV. While there are tons of websites out there assuring you that it is not necessarily a death sentence, they did not know Jake. Jake would not be kept inside, and didn't just yowl to be let out, he went into stealth mode, and just slunk out without anyone noticing ever. He just suddenly would not be in the house. FIV is most easily transmitted from cats fighting - and i agonized over perhaps my cat infecting another person's cat.
Not to mention my other cats.
Finally on Sunday he got another infected wound. His immune system was not working at all and he had a terrible infection that would not heal, even after surgery and two rounds of antibiotics. He was in a considerable amount of pain.
He would not stay inside, he was miserable in the house. he could very well infect the other cats. There was the stress of yet another surgery, his fifth by my count.
Jake loved to be carried, but only on your left shoulder. Scott and Jake loved each other and he often sat on Scott's lap purring so loud you could hardly hear the radio. But Jake was "my cat". As soon as i came home from work, Jake would meow and meow until I picked him up. (his nickname was "Screamer") If he was in the house, he was either on my lap or asking to be held. His favorite toy was one of the long fronds of a palm tree I have in a large pot. He had an enormous love for us and we for him.
Thank you, Jake. We will see you around next time.
Drawing Marathon
I can't believe it's not blogging
So, without further ado, on with the post: Scott has been really going gangbusters on the living room, and it is much further along than this, but here is a picture.
Yes, folks you are correct, the walls are GREEN. As I said, the living room is much further along now, with the window sills done and door framed in. The yellow of the pine looks great. I guess I will just have to post again soon, so you, dear reader, can see what I am talking about.
So, even when I do blog, I blog about something I didn't do and don't have a picture of. And so far, no links. Well, except to my own flickr site, and how egotistical is that? So apropos of nothing, Link!
Montana was great as always
Lisa and I had a great time, we both got to ride at the same time for the first time. Cajun, who was in training the last time I was there, is a big puppy dog. Operative word, BIG. He's at least 17 hands now, and just three years old.
Out for hair
AAArrrgghh! It is Fall
Some unknown (to me) office elves decorate our break room door for what ever season or occasion on the calendar. You know, flowers and raindrops for spring, stars and stripes for 4th of July, Snowflakes for winter.
Well, this morning when I woke up, it was DARK. Dark dark. Not "the sun is up but behind a cloud", not "the dawn is breaking" but Nightime Dark. Oh, yes -- and drizzling.
I am not ready for summer to be over, and technically it is not, not until September 21, which is Eight Days Away. You would think people could wait a lousy eight days to start doing the "yay! fall!" thing.
Whenever you are just unreasonably mad, and it doesn't really match the proportion of the offence, my mom calls that "Out for Hair".
I came in this morning to this:
We got off to a late-ish start Friday evening after the initial panic of finding a cat sitter, packing, and then realizing we were starving and to eat. The drive down was uneventful, and as we drove through Longview, Scott said "Should we stop here or keep going?" We were both still ok, so on we went.
Next time, we stop in Longview. We got to Seaside around midnight, and there was not an available room anywhere. We gave up around 1:30 and finally just parked, and spent a rather sleepless night in the car with a dog who just could not get comfortable.
We got up bright and early, of course, and drove down to Rockaway -- we found a little cabin a block from the beach, and rented it right away. It was a nice little place, and they allowed dogs, so it was perfect, actually.
We had a great time, and packed in lots of touristy-sight-seeing. We had a great breakfast at The Fern Restaurant. We went to the Tillamook cheese factory to get some squeaky cheese (YUM!). Then we went to the Air Museum which is really cool, but the best part is the building. We watched the big elk herd there, too.
Sunday we drove around to a lot of different places, the most notable being the Whisky Creek Cafe in Netarts. We ate outside; they let King sit with us. They have the best garden burger with fries I have maybe ever had. Melted extra-sharp cheddar and asparagus spears were the burger highlights. Humm, I think I am hungry.
Of course I took photos, and they are on Flickr.
120 mph to zero in thirty seconds flat
After some hastily sent emails, I learned that a steam pipe broke in Albion's Bobbitt Visual Center, and did signignificant damage to the building and seriously threatened their extensive print collection.
So I am calling myself lucky that they decided to reschedule me instead of canceling my show all together.
I did get some new paintings done for the show, though. So that is good. Not all of them are done, exactly. Hey, I still had a week before I had to crate up the whole show and ship them off. Of course I wasn't done with the new paintings. I still had...hours.... to finish those paintings.
See the nearly finished paintings!! yay!
Equine Art Show 2006
This year, however, I got a bee in my bonnet I needed a group show for 2006 on my CV, and this one would look great, right? And who besides me would know it was such a weird deal?
Well now I have done it, so I never have to do it again. First off, the work is hung on those fabric coverd panel things they make cubicles out of. And there was not even a token attempt to light any of the pieces, at all. It was in a dark breezeway thing, in front of the betting windows. Then, there were little yellow stickers with a hand-written number stuck on each entry. Not on the wall beside the work - on the painting. Lastly, I think I was the only democrat in a five-mile radius, and felt more than a little bit threatened. (ok I exaggerate.) But still; Republicans.
I am glad I did it, and even more glad it is over. I took some photos, but not nearly enough. Some were way too dark for photoshop to rescue. Check it out -Equine Art Show 2006.
A lot of the paintings were super sentimental treatments of childeren with horses, or mares and foals. But
people really like to paint horses coming out of the gate.
Blogrolling in our time
I am going to dip my toe back in the blog with links to some of my favorite blogs.
While I have no children of my own, I like reading about other people's kids. Defective Yeti is a good one for that, because it is also hilarious.
Because I too am obsessed with my weight, love cats, and wish I could travel more She Just Walks Around With It has become a huge favorite.
Crazy Aunt Purl is supposed to be about knitting, but is actually about LA, Cats and Wine. LA Bonus!!
Lounge King!!
The Sneeze is a smorgasbord (whaddayaknow, I spelled that right) of delights.
First Thursday, June 1, 2006
Au contraire, mon frere.
Ever hear of familiarity breeding contempt? Well, by the time I get done at work, the last thing I want to do is walk around the neighborhood where I work. Besides, there is the dog to consider.
I am going with the always fabulous Carolyn Zick, and my equally fab husband, Scott. (He does not like it when I post his picture.)
The main reason I am hauling my carcass out this evening is a graduate from my beloved Alma Mater, Wyatt Landis has had a well-earned honor bestowed, he has been selected to go to Norway this summer and study with the Norwegian figure painter, Odd Nerdrum. Wyatt is having a shindig tonight to help cover the costs of living in Norway for the summer, stop by and show your support for a well-deserving artist. Unfortunatly, I can't find a link to the info I have only in hard copy so, I guess I just have to TYPE it:
610 Western Ave
Third Floor
from 6 - 11 pm
My Parent's wedding album
Yes, I am lame.
It finally occurred to me to just take some digital photos, and put them on line. I love these pictures of my parents so young and hopeful.
So, follow the link to my flickr site, and see the whole album. It is great.
Begining of the patio!
Thelonious's Memorial Garden
Scott made the bench in the background; the plants include creeping honeysuckle, seven different varieties of hosta, daylilies, rhododendron, and a sprinkling of grape hyacinths. I think it is pretty.
obedience class tonight
He is very big, around 90 lbs, and he needs to gain about 5-7 more pounds. He is a bit thin because he has been at a kennel for the last 6 months where he was in doggy daycare every day. So he ran around all day every day with a bunch of other dogs. We are hoping that with a little less exercise we can put some weight on him.
I just love him. He knows all his obedience commands, we just have to catch up to what he knows, and stay consistent, so he won's backslide.
He's a champ.
Pay no attention
Also, I have not had time to put my photos into groups, so they are all just in the photostream.
So, when there is something new to look at, I will let you know. Till then, Nothing to see here folks, move along; move along.
I am now on Flickr
the late winter garden
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Carolyn's pictures from Form-Space-Light opening
Good Morning!! It's the kitchen floor!
Pictures from my opening
I didn't get very many pictures, I was busy working the crowd, I talked so much I actually got hoarse (no pun intended).
Finally, pictures from the Flower and Garden Show
and this Indian Hawthorn -- it looks great paired with the lavendar
Verigated Box Leaf Euonymous
This Chief Joseph Lodge Pole Pine has beautiful light green needles, and I just love it, but it would get too big for my yard. Oh, and this photo is sideways. Huh. how about that.
I am totally re-doing my front garden, and want more structure to it. And plants like these are the way to go. Now all I need is money and an army. Of gardeners, you know, not a real army. Army men tend to shoot things. And you have to buy their clothes for them, and I really can't afford that.
I have a show opening March 3rd
It is titled "outside of a horse"
Scott designed the card, so it looks great.
The show runs until March 31 --
The gallery is open on weekends and by appointment, so if weekends aren't good for you, gimmie a call and I'll make sure you can see it.