
Newsy news

My knee is still bothering me but it is fine when I ride, thank goodness. I still need to get a physical therapist -- the problem is I just don't want to do it--- I want the knee to JUST HEAL ALREADY.

We do have some spring-like things happening around here, but it is still cold and rainy - you know.

I went on a trailride on Sunday, and man it was very challenging--it was a tough trail and almost too much for Imax's peanut-sized brain. he Does Not Like other horses in front of him, but he also wants to go slowly.....

Some of the trails were switchbacks with mushy steep hillsides on either side of the trail. One "spook" and you were toast. Unfortunately our group encountered some tourists along the trail with little to no English, carrying UMBRELLAS!!!! the group of horses were TERRIFIED be the umbrellas, being good Washingtonians all. Thankfully Imax was way ahead of the regular group and so for once was not in the Drama. but one woman did fall off, and get more scared than hurt. Thankfully the trail was rather wide at this point. It took some doing to get the umbrella hikers to lower the damn things and back off the trail. Yeah, lady -- you getting wet is better than us getting killed. Thanks.

Three hours in and almost to the trailers, Imax decides he has Had Enough. and stops dead in the middle of the trail. I had to pummel his sides with my heels to get him to go -- this my delicate, sensitive little arena flower who bucks if I leg him too long when asking for a canter. I have given the poor S.O.B. the last couple of days off. I'll ride today, though.

Anyhow, that is the news from Lake Seattlebegone, where all the women are crazy, the men in the basement, and all the dogs are above average.

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