First of all, I won't be updating much for the next seven to ten business days, because my computer is going into the shop. It may or may not have to do with a wine-related incident, I am not saying. Thankfully, when I bought it, I thought "Someday I am going to pour a half a glass of gewurztraminer into this thing. Better get the "I am a lush" warranty." So it is covered, but I have to send it away.
Today was my first lesson with Melody. We took a look at my saddle, and she said it is ok for now, but I need a new one. I was starting to have my suspicions. The throat of it is wide enough, but the base needs to be wider. So I am in the market for a saddle. She wants me to buy her Passat of course. She has a seriously over inflated idea of my bank account. Hank, my Vet also mentioned he has some saddles for sale, so I will call him. And Kerry. Last I heard she was selling some saddles. too.
We started at the walk, asking him to stretch long and low. Still not fully understanding that, but it will come. At the walk, get a good forward walk, and leave him in it, moving my arms with his mouth. When he slows, tap with the stick. Mel wants me to start riding in the spurs trading off and on with the whip, so he will always pay attention, and not deaden to the aid. Soon, I won't need either. He is getting "leg means forward" but I think he forgets - his attention wanders, and he slows down. Must get the walk long and stretchy. When trotting, take up a little contact, keep the poll flexed and to the inside. Don't let him lean - bump and release, he must carry himself. The bit is ok for now, look for a Herm Springer. Do this correctly now, and I won't need to correct it later. Trot must stay active, stay in contact. From an active trot ask for canter with inside leg supporting behind the girth, outside leg back. Use both strongly till he understands the canter aid. Only ask on a bending line - beginning of the turn, or coming out of the turn ( or on a circle) never just after A or C. Ask at F, K H or M.
No nagging, ask then insist. Get it every time. Keep the aids light and he will be light. Canter at every ride. Use outdoor arena when possible. Keep sessions at 45 min for now.