Kip and I attended the first Jump Group this fall, our first ever. Kip was just amazing.
I was prepared for him to be more focused on the other horses in the arena, and generally mischievous to begin with -- but right away, he settled in to work. He listened to me very well the entire day.
There were horse and rider combinations, all in the indoor - so it was crowded. The highlight of the whole thing to me was we jumped a course of eleven jumps. And he did it willingly and with very little "green horse looky-loo-ism" (there's a term for 'ya) . There were many kinds of jumps he'd never seen before, and sometimes on the first pass, he'd be crooked, but he learned so fast that usually the second time around, he was jumping it like an old pro. Many people commented on how great he is doing, and how cute he is. He is really cute.
As a bonus, Heidi asked me to go to a dressage schooling show with her next saturday. We are so ready. I am once again expecing him to shy at everything. Then if he doesn't I will be pleasantly surprised.