
July 23-26

Cajun is still settling in, and doing great. Thursday we rode in the indoor arena, and there were 3 other horses working in there at the time. He was very interested in them, but I got a little work out of him.

Friday there were way too many people in the indoor arena, the outdoor is very dusty, but I didn't care, we rode out side. He gets very lookie - loo at the jousting equipment, but I was able to get him to trot by it normally at least once! We also cantered for the first time. Not pretty, but we did it! I started really asking him to go on the bit. When we were resting between trot sets, I rode on light contact.

Saturday I was supposed to have a sewing lesson at 11:30 ( it got canceled, 10 minutes before it was supposed to start. Long story, but never go to Stitches on Capitol Hill. They suck.) Anyway because of the sewing lesson I went to the barn extra early. (Left home at 7:00, groomed at 7:30, rode from 8 - 9, untacked till 9:30, drove to be home by 10, got ready by 11, on cap hill by 11:30....See how close I had to schedule it to get to the canceled class? )

Anyway. Cajun did not like this "work before breakfast" thing at all, so had little bratty fits while I was tacking him up. But his fits are really no big deal, and who could blame him. What was great was to have the freshly groomed and watered indoor arena to ourselves.

I started with a warm up walk, then gradually would take up contact till we were going on the bit. Still learning forward, but really catching on. when the walk was active and flexing at the poll I would ask for a trot. We did walk / trot transitions to get him in front of the leg. Very good. resting walk. Then active trot, turn down the quarter line, and leg yield to the wall, practicing straightness. I asked for a couple of steps of shoulder-in, and got it, going both directions. Working on circles and not diving into the corner where the gate is. Circles still very rough. Still not getting the concept of staying on the wall, he wants to dive into the middle of the arena. I think he thinks that means he is done. Working at staying round especially in transitions. not always successful.

I hosed him down and let him have breakfast. He was grateful. Turned him out in the field with the tree. His favorite.

Today I rode early again, but without the pressure of having to be somewhere else. I let him finish breakfast first, which I think he appreciated. I tried just tying him by his chin today instead of cross ties. didn't make much difference. We went for a trail ride on the Lake Youngs Trail. We walked down the road, and instead of taking the trail we went on before, I took him along Petrovitsky , past The Parks on 188 and down the big hill. Going out I rode on light contact, he was moving forward nicely, very interested in his surroundings. got a little strong in the trot once and gave a little bolt, came back easily. Spooked once at a sign on a chain link fence. This was early in the ride. He was bold and had a good swinging stride. I kept him in a walk mostly, didn't have to dog him much to keep the pace. Is going pretty good barefoot - the trail is grass/gravel/dirt, with some of the gravel pointy. He hitches up occasionally, but no more than a shod horse. about an hour in to the ride, I let two little girls pet him, he was being very calm and steady, and their parents said it was ok, so they were my children guinea pigs. He did very good of course, and they were thrilled. We did some trotting in two-point, he had a great forward, swinging trot. I had to ask him back to a walk, he was ready to go. On the way back home, he of course was very forward, and i took advantage of that to get him to go on the bit, and start to learn to carry himself, and not lean on me. He leans badly, and I have to bump him to get him to stop leaning. Broke this up with long walks on light contact, and some on the buckle. Did some leg yielding, did great. As we came home he got a little strong, but I turned him around and made him work a bit going away from home, and I think he got the message, because he walked the rest of the way like a gentleman mostly.

I hosed him off gave him carrots and turned him out. He sometimes tries to use me as a scratching post when I take his bridle off, but did not do that today, I think he is remembering I will give him a good scratch, if he is good.

All in all, I could not ask for better. He is progressing beautifully, and taking what ever I throw at him. Very inquisitive, bold and trusting. Making fans where ever we go. Good Boy!

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